Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation Practical Course

Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation Practical Courses are conducted at different locations in various countries.

  1. Pre-requisite
  2. Register for the Practical Course
    • Find the practical course location near you
    • Course Locations: Australia, Canada, Fiji, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, United Kingdom
    • Contact the admin team using the online enquiry form to Register for Arka Dhyana IM Practical Course
  3. Start learning
    • Start the practical course and learn the steps involved in the method of Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation
    • Practice regularly, take the practical test and get certification
  4. Practice
    • Continue to practise Arka Dhyana IM and experience its benefits
  5. What to do next
    • Contact the admin team using the online enquiry form to Register for Arka Dhyana Instructor Certification.